What are Reddit Downvotes?

Reddit is a social media platform that allows users to share and discuss content with others from around the world. It is well-known for its unique voting system, which involves both upvotes and downvotes.

While upvotes are often seen as positive feedback, downvotes can be a source of confusion for many users.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at how Reddit downvotes work, why they exist, and how they impact the platform as a whole.

reddit downvotes


Reddit has a unique voting system that allows users to upvote button upvote or downvote button downvote content.

Upvotes are generally seen as positive feedback, while downvotes can have a negative impact on a post’s visibility.

However, the downvoting system is often misunderstood, and some users may not know how to use it properly. In this article, we will explore how Reddit downvotes work, why they exist, and their impact on the platform.

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What are Reddit Downvotes?

A downvote is a way for Reddit users to indicate that they do not like a post or comment.

When someone downvotes a post, it will receive a lower score, and its position on the page will drop. The same is true for comments.

Downvotes are indicated by a small arrow pointing downward, which appears next to the post or comment.

Why Do People Use Downvotes?

People use downvotes for a variety of reasons. Some may use them to express disagreement with a post or comment, while others may use them to indicate that a post or comment is low-quality or irrelevant.

Downvotes can also be used to filter out content that users do not want to see. In some cases, downvotes can be used to express disapproval of a user’s behavior.

When a post or comment receives a downvote, its score will decrease. As the score decreases, the post or comment will move lower down the page, making it less visible to other users.

Eventually, if a post receives enough downvotes, it may be removed from the subreddit entirely.

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How Do Downvotes Affect Karma?

Karma is a system on Reddit that tracks a user’s overall activity and contributions to the platform. When a post or comment receives an upvote, the user who posted it will receive karma. Conversely, when a post or comment receives a downvote, the user’s karma will decrease.

For more details, please take a look at the article: How Reddit Karma Works

How Can You Avoid Getting Downvoted?

If you want to avoid getting downvoted on Reddit, there are a few things you can do.

  • Make sure your post or comment is relevant to the subreddit you are posting in.
  • Try to be respectful and polite in your interactions with other users.
  • Avoid posting low-quality or irrelevant content.

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The Impact of Downvotes on Reddit Communities

Downvotes can have a significant impact on Reddit communities.

They can be used to filter out low-quality or irrelevant content, making it easier for users to find high-quality posts and comments.

However, downvotes can also be used to silence voices that do not align with the majority opinion, which can lead to a lack of diversity and inclusivity.

comments with downvotes
a comment with a lot of downvotes

Downvote Abuse and Its Consequences

While downvotes can be a useful tool for filtering out low-quality content, they can also be abused. Some users may downvote posts or comments simply because they disagree with the content, even if it is high-quality and relevant.

This can lead to a lack of diversity of opinions on the platform and discourage users from sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Additionally, downvote abuse can have serious consequences for users. If a post or comment receives too many downvotes, it may be removed from the subreddit entirely, even if it is high-quality and relevant. This can be frustrating for users who have put a lot of time and effort into creating their content.

The future of Reddit downvotes is uncertain. While they are a useful tool for filtering out low-quality content, they can also be abused, leading to a lack of diversity of opinions on the platform.

Some users have suggested that downvotes should be removed entirely, while others have suggested that the system be reworked to prevent abuse.

Reddit has made some changes to the downvoting system in the past, such as hiding comment scores for a certain period of time. However, it remains to be seen what changes will be made in the future.


In conclusion, Reddit downvotes are a unique and sometimes controversial feature of the platform. While they can be useful for filtering out low-quality content, they can also be abused, leading to a lack of diversity of opinions and frustration for users. It is important for Reddit users to understand how downvotes work and use them responsibly to ensure that the platform remains a diverse and inclusive space for all.