How Reddit Upvote Works: An In-Depth Guide

If you’re an active user of Reddit, you might have noticed the small arrows next to the posts and comments. These arrows represent the upvote button “upvote” and downvote button “downvote” buttons, which are integral to the functioning of Reddit.

In this article, we will explore the mechanics behind Reddit’s upvoting system, how it works, and what it means for the platform.

how Reddit upvote works

What are Reddit Upvotes?

Reddit is a social media platform where people from all over the world can join and share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. It’s a place where you can find different communities and topics that interest you.

When you see a post or comment on Reddit, you’ll see two arrows next to it – upvote button upvote and downvote button downvote. These arrows are there to let you vote on whether you like or dislike the content.

When you upvote something, it means you think it’s good and helpful. When you downvote something, it means you don’t like it or you think it’s not useful.

If you see something on Reddit that you think is interesting or adds value to a conversation, you can upvote it. This is a way to show appreciation for the person who posted it and to let other people know that it’s worth reading.

Remember, being polite and respectful is important on Reddit. So if you see something that you like, take a moment to upvote it – it’s a nice thing to do!

Reddit upvotes are a way for users to express their appreciation for a particular post or comment on the platform.

When a user upvotes a post, it increases the post’s visibility on the platform, allowing it to be seen by more people.

On the other hand, when a user downvotes a post, it decreases the post’s visibility, making it harder to find on the platform.

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How do Reddit Upvotes Work?

The workings of the Reddit upvoting system can be broken down into three main components:

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Karma Points

Karma points are a form of the scoring system on Reddit that represent a user’s contribution to the platform.

Every time a user receives an upvote, they earn a karma point, and every time they receive a downvote, they lose a karma point.

The total number of karma points a user has is displayed next to their username on the platform, like the screenshot above.

Vote Weights

Not all upvotes and downvotes are created equal on Reddit.

The weight of a vote depends on a variety of factors, including the age of the post, the age of the users, the subreddit it was posted in, and the user’s own karma points.

For example, a new post in a small subreddit might only need a few upvotes to reach the front page, while a post in a larger subreddit might need hundreds or thousands of upvotes. Upvotes from aged, real, and high-karma accounts tend to have more weight.

Vote Fuzzing

Vote fuzzing is a technique used by Reddit to prevent bots and spammers from manipulating the upvoting system.

reddit vote fuzzing

When a post receives a large number of upvotes in a short amount of time, Reddit’s algorithms will automatically “fuzz” the vote count, adding in fake upvotes and downvotes to make it harder to discern the true vote count.

This process helps to ensure the integrity of the voting system on Reddit.

At RedditUpvote.Net, we have some unique tricks to bypass this when users purchasing upvotes from our system.

Why are Reddit Upvotes Important?

Reddit upvotes play a critical role in the functioning of the platform.

Upvotes help to surface high-quality content and promote it to a wider audience, while downvotes help to weed out low-quality content and prevent it from cluttering up the platform.

In this way, the upvoting system on Reddit acts as a democratic filter, ensuring that the most valuable and interesting content rises to the top.

The most voted posts are always displayed in the Hot section of each subreddit for at least 24 hours. After that, they will be slowly moved to the next pages, giving space for the newer submissions. This is an excellent way for a social media to work so that everyone has a chance to get featured on the first page.


In conclusion, Reddit’s upvoting system is a complex and nuanced mechanism that plays a vital role in the functioning of the platform.

From the scoring system of karma points to the weighting of votes and the vote-fuzzing algorithm, each component is carefully designed to ensure that Reddit remains a vibrant and engaging community. By understanding how upvotes work, users can gain a deeper appreciation for the platform and the role they play in shaping it.


Can you upvote your own posts on Reddit?

Yes, users are allowed to upvote their own posts on Reddit.
But to be honest, only 1 vote doesn’t really play a huge role in any subreddit.
If you want to rank high and fast, it’s better to buy Reddit upvotes from our panel.

Can you see who upvotes your posts on Reddit?

No, Reddit does not disclose the identity of users who upvote or downvote a post.

Do upvotes and downvotes affect the order of comments on Reddit?

Yes, upvotes and downvotes affect the order of comments on Reddit, with the most upvoted comments appearing at the top of the thread.